Author Topic: Why is life unfair?  (Read 5139 times)


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Re: Why is life unfair?
« Reply #105 on: June 17, 2017, 03:39:04 pm »
Dreamstate white rabbit, (the universe gives us what we want as it takes care of us, we learn to trust it slowly)

I'm confused with this paradox jed isn't this wishful thinking? is this even accurate? i thought jed said the universe doesn't care about us, yet adya says the universe gives you what you need and will listen to what you ask for because it's what feeds you to have those, it's all confusing..

Slightly out of topic but a rant crossed my mind

jed makes me feel worthless, i'm ok with feeling worthless because i already feel worthless which is why i came to you, to seek comfort at first, yet it kept rubbing it on me that i just adapted to it saying hey i'm fine with life being meaningless because that's how it's been for quite a while, but how the **** am i supposed to live it, i want answers.. i loop to cherry pick, yet should i be realistic or should i keep wishful thinking there as the universe kind of aids me randomly as it's all happening as you said, but like a religion that says god cares when he doesn't really as he isn't there, but absolute is there, and i wonder if absolute cares even though it's just presence that we are all in that seems chaotic randomly yet its perfect since it's it's own setting void that's beyond what we can communicate, here i am trying to make sense out of it like any other existential being trying to cling to some reason to live rationally, should i pick wishful thinking + rationality to get things done, or should i just pick both or should i switch between the sides and not be positive about things getting done out of the good, i read a post on reddit the other day about some guy posting about some random cousin he had that died in his room for weeks and no one noticed he just used to go to uni and back to his apartment and no one really visits him, his life was crappy, no one cared about him, he had some work, hell even work didn't care to check up on him as they just fired him, that post was depressing to read but then again i think of the random kids in africa just trying to get by to survive the world seems rather cruel, even some random cells that can't really sustain themselves and go around like mindless programmed cells trying to perceive it's CEO presence when it has it's own presence that lets it go around, it's just all **** confusing
I'm ok with feeling meaningless kind of but i still get mad about it it's frustrating overtime
Take someone who doesn't keep score, who's not looking to be richer or afraid of losing, who has not the slightest interest even in his own personality. He is free ~ rumi