Jed Rants => Truth Realization => Topic started by: Jed McKenna on June 27, 2016, 07:35:38 am

Title: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Jed McKenna on June 27, 2016, 07:35:38 am
Dear Members, and anyone else who thinks they exist.

It's not uncommon to hear ''teachers'' say it's self-evident you exist, obvious... right? Well, do you exist? Nobody believes that they don't exist. But how do you know you exist?

The most common answer it something about you have the capacity to sense things, to feel. Of course, you can't say that you don't exist because that would mean your aren't there to either believe or not believe, or perhaps even express yourself, if there is one. If you say you don't exist it would mean you existed in order say it. It's not so obvious that you exist but it's obvious that you can't say that you don't exist.

So, what gives, do you exist or not, are you or are you not? You are the absence of that which is not, and that is all that you can think you are.

Contemplate that... it's all you ever need to know, and you can't know it at all.

Love ya, Jed

Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Guido on June 27, 2016, 08:56:31 am
Not non-existing = existing. At least one thing exists : existing.

Cogito ergo sum: I think therefore I exist. Let's dumb it down. Thinking therefore existing. No need for an "I". If there is thinking, thinking exists, thus there is existing. This goes with everything. I eat therefore I am , yellow hat, therefore existence. Ultimatly existing therefore existing, therefore existing, therefore... .

Thought experiment, Indra's web, version 2.0 :
Who exists? What is the "I"? I could be somebody's dream, or a program in The Matrix.  The Matrix could be another program within a bigger Matrix, ad infinitum. "I" living in the Matrix can go role playing and create a new character, for example a valiant knight. To me that knight is just an illusion, does not exist. But I have no guarantees it's not the other way around. Maybe I am a valiant knight. Maybe the "me" I think I am is just a means for the valiant knight to create a world in which he exists. So the Matrix in Matrix analogy could go up, down or in any direction. The Buddhist concept of Indra's web is that of an endless web, with perfectly shining juwels, each reflecting all the others. My 2.0 version of Indra's web is where each jewel is another infinite web on itself. That situation could be possible.

BUT non existence does not exist. Whatever hypothesis, one single materialistic universe that started at the big bang or an infinite web of infinite webs it is all based on the one simple truth, there is no non existence.
That What Exists, exists, the rest is speculation.

My true nature, underneath all concepts that are uncertain, is existence, is That What Exists. I am That.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: mariam on June 27, 2016, 09:05:47 am
do I exist? yes and no. how do I know I exist? awareness of questioning.
dumb enough to answer, but brilliant enough to know I do not know.

back to watching the chickens.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: mariam on June 27, 2016, 09:35:39 am
too eager and quick to answer. I give my false self away every time!
how do I know I exist? really, how do I know? and no easy jump out this time into the assertion I do not know or can't know. If there is an answer, I'm going to find it. too bad though, I'm guessing it's not something that can be talked about. still, I might be stupid enough to try and share what I find.

over and out. Love, I
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Stephan on June 27, 2016, 03:20:22 pm
I blame babies! They are the cause that we all think about existence or death. Reflecting such phantom knowledge on materialistic things. A whole life you're supposed to believe you're someone of importance. Till the body's engines run out of fuel then it's game over in nerd language. Sure I ain't a dummy. Of course I imagine there is interaction going on and we seem to get along as separate entities. But that's bogus! That's not existing. To claim something exist is like making up laws that something must be true and don't you dare question The Law! No but seriously keep on questioning and let go of that specific form of living you made up.

Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: fugazi on June 27, 2016, 05:45:58 pm
fugazi: "yes, I exist"

Jed: (presuming Jed's response of course) "show me this "I" that you say exists"

fugazi: "hmmm, can't"

Jed: "well?"

fugazi: "there is an awareness of existence, nothing more"
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Mori on June 27, 2016, 07:46:52 pm
Well, since there is only further "I"'ve decided to give you guys and galls a specific voice in the mind. Just for fun of course.
Jed sounds like octo from spongebob squarepants.
I'll go philosophize about nothing and existence some other moment if yall don't mind.

Love, Mori
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: jonnydas on June 27, 2016, 08:14:04 pm
I believe I exist.
I see a beer to my left, of which I just had a sip.
I see these fingers in front of me typing what I believe are words which I believe will be read and understood by some other I's.
I just had a notion that I am hungry, but a thought raced across with the message that I need to lose some weight because I just had a hip transplant. I believe so anyway.
I believe I just coughed.
I believe I exist. Yes.
And YOU can't prove my belief wrong either. So there.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: jonnydas on June 27, 2016, 08:15:12 pm
I also believe that this beer is very very good beer.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: purpleroses111 on June 27, 2016, 11:41:30 pm
I don't know how it's possible to know (at least with this mind)  :-\ Either way, it'll be 'the mind' saying something exists or doesn't and being the trickster it is, it'll be a bit flaky.

I assume the point of contemplating something like this is to realize there is probably no way to really know via the mind.  It can't be proven or disproven, but that's a belief too.

Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: abrakamowse on June 28, 2016, 08:42:59 am
The idea of no self is an idea too. It should be dropped.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: abrakamowse on June 28, 2016, 08:46:54 am
Everything we are saying is just thoughts,  our mind makes a construct of all this,  but it's just nothing. The wind blows and the rain falls for no reasons,  they just are. We are Conciousness without content.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Midnight on June 28, 2016, 03:12:11 pm
I'm posting this message because I exist. :)
But...does it really matter? Why does it matter? Why should I ask this question?
How can I ask something about thing that doesn't need any questions?
Doubt inapplicable.

Just for fun, let's apply usual way of making questions:
I don't exist. --> Failure --> I don't agree with that. --> Do I really exist? --> Oh, shi...

But... what happens when ego asks if he/she exists? Trap?
Jed, does Maya exist? If Maya doesn't exist how can you communicate to dreamworld?
Don't answer, it doesn't really matter too.  ;D
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Jed McKenna on June 28, 2016, 04:00:05 pm
Good questions, and like you said, it doesn't really matter.

But hey, I got that non-existent you using your non-existent mind to contemplate your non-existence, and that's a start on the non-existent path to no-where.

Love ya, Jed
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: omnispective on June 28, 2016, 04:27:50 pm
I always thought I was going home.
But.. that home.. doesn't excist either.
Sometimes.. my mind implodes and explodes.
What a bullshit. Nothing excists.
It's the only way.

Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: know1 on June 28, 2016, 06:45:55 pm
An "I" experiencing anything is false, as in dual, the lie. Any inference of a "you" must preclude that "you" to be a lie. There is only experiencing. When a "you" experiences some "thing", that "you" is a false construct, the accumulation of a lifetime of mind's attempts to exist within the dream. Tatvamasi or "That thou art" is the reminder that there is NO difference between the experiencer and the experienced, no "me and my beer" simply experiencing. Any appearance of differentiation is merely ego. (I bought that beer, that's my beer, don't effing spill my beer!)... or not.

Cheers  ;D
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: dirkbeszia on June 28, 2016, 11:36:06 pm
Perhaps this bundle of opinions, beliefs, cravings would love to say "I exist". But, maybe it would be easier to locate a .000001 milliliter of the oceans chi and label it "moi". A planktons parasite that screams "I am and this is my life.
Perhaps, "I" am part of the "all/cosmos/as it isness" that has a nasty addiction of self referencing?

Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Midnight on June 29, 2016, 02:40:52 am
Jed, it's easy.

For example, we usually can say "the plane is flying". Something doing something.
Our case is "the ... is thinking". Who or what is thinking? Nothing. I can't spot anything.
I can say "the brain is thinking" or "I am thinking" but it's just failed applying this to pattern "something doing something".

There is no thing that makes thinking process. Thinking process just happens.
Pattern "something happens" looks better here.

As result I don't exist. Nothing exists because only something existent can spot if something else exists.
Cogito ergo sum - this is for ego. Or not?
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Jed McKenna on June 29, 2016, 04:43:52 am
All, if anything, is happening is looking, seeing, feeling, tasting and smelling. But the important point is there is no you required for this. It is just verbing away.

Love ya, Jed.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Frits on June 29, 2016, 05:33:48 am
Do I exist or don't I exist? Which "I" would that be? That some thing which is thinking I exist must exist, but that "I" has no idea what that is... For the "I" it matters, for what thinks it it doesn't, but I am not the "I" I think I am, so what I am must be what thinks it, and that would be the some thing that thinks everything, which means I am that some thing and everything, though that "I" can't know what that some thing is. So: Do I exist? No I don't and yes I do.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: bree on June 30, 2016, 02:05:24 pm
I am the absence of that which is not. "Absence of that which is not "= Presence of that which Is. All that is . I am all that is .
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: warnie on June 30, 2016, 03:55:00 pm
Thought says I exist. People have been born without the ability to see, hear, taste, move the body, has anyone been born without the function of thinking, if so, would the idea of existance exist to them. Funcftional babies have been brought up by dogs monkeys and chooks, the thinking process conditioned into a belief of being a dog, monkey or chook.
The ability for thought to be abstract, has a function but also has a downside and that is the ability to believe in its own existence. maybe.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: solight on June 30, 2016, 04:56:49 pm
What does "exist" mean? If we follow the logic in The Theory Of Everything then whatever exists has to be infinite, or All That Is. It doesn't matter it's called Truth or I. What is usually referred to as self, the "i", is a limited phenomenon, thus doesn't exist under that definition. And i can not know I, obviously.

That's all good. But the whole thing hinges on the logical deduction that "Truth doesn't exist" leads to contradiction therefore it must exist. How much can we trust logic and concepts? Why cannot Truth be neither exist nor non-exist? Or maybe language just doesn't cut it. It's all just kidding when "i" speaks.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: peacemaker on July 01, 2016, 04:33:52 pm
Could you clarify "You are the absence of that which is not" ?
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Jed McKenna on July 01, 2016, 11:46:54 pm
It's like a koan, and any koan worth it's sashimi can't be solved. That is intentionally to show you the solution is not in your mind.

There is no answer, at least, in the sense of an answer that a jury of 12 good non-existent men and women would agree to.

In another sense, you yourself are the answer. You are the answer to every possible question. Without this ''you'' the universe and all in it disappear. So does the koan. I have yet to meet a mind that welcomes such an event.

Love ya, Jed.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Mori on July 02, 2016, 10:32:42 am
I'm perfectly fine with the universe being here. There is no need for it to disappear.

Love, Mori
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Jed McKenna on July 02, 2016, 10:47:17 am
Dear Mori:'s the rub. It's not up to you.

Love ya, Jed.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: mariam on July 02, 2016, 12:07:25 pm
ahhhhh, the rub. nothin' to do but relax and enjoy. 

Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Mori on July 02, 2016, 12:26:28 pm
Oh snap. :o

Love, Mori
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: mariam on July 02, 2016, 12:35:36 pm
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Lian on November 14, 2017, 11:17:56 am
The false identity is in control of the body and mind and would rather destroy them than give up control.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: tone on November 14, 2017, 06:09:19 pm
Aahhh yes the rub  ;)
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: alig on November 15, 2017, 03:58:32 am
It's like a koan, and any koan worth it's sashimi can't be solved. That is intentionally to show you the solution is not in your mind.

There is no answer, at least, in the sense of an answer that a jury of 12 good non-existent men and women would agree to.

In another sense, you yourself are the answer. You are the answer to every possible question. Without this ''you'' the universe and all in it disappear. So does the koan. I have yet to meet a mind that welcomes such an event.

Love ya, Jed.
That koan makes prefect sense to me  :'(
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Lian on January 08, 2018, 07:21:11 am
While dreaming, one is not aware of the rules that make up the apparent waking reality, so one can readily accept anything as real.
Title: Re: Jed Rant... Do you exist... really?
Post by: Jed McKenna on January 08, 2018, 12:03:02 pm
Got it....  :P :P :P :P