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Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Terminus_Est on July 14, 2023, 05:08:16 am »
Ok, so this is surprising.  I don't know what I'm up against RN....certainly not what I expected at the bottom of the hole funneled into over this last few days.  Absolutely crushing pressure.  I've experienced pressure before...typically when facing some superficial aspect of the self being pressured to let go having to do with social moorings.
Fear is at the heart of it...fear revolving around social acceptance or something similar.  This is not that.  IDK what this is.  The pressure is spectacular...but there is no fear.  I feel clear....stable, otherwise...resolved...but am being pressured at some fundamental level.  Interesting thing is, I really don't know what to do about it.  Maybe that's the thing.  Maybe something inside is just bored and trying to make something happen...could be that's it.  I sent a Telegram but I don't know the venue for addressing this, privately....publicly....or not at all.  It doesn't matter to me....I can't turn away.  I'm compelled to this, whatever TF it is.  One way or another, I guess I'lll find out. 

Of note, the pressure backs off when I have to do stuff/life maintenance stuff.  It ramps up when stillness is engaged. 

I guess it's polite in that respect. 
Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Terminus_Est on July 13, 2023, 05:10:59 am »
Yeah, I know. 

It's just that this knowledge is provisional.  It won't stay put.  Not that it matters, this being something that's going where it's going, me along for the ride as always.  I didn't want to go to see the waterfall.  I was/am the chauffeur for The Fam. It's a mixed-metaphor.  From ego's perspective, it feels like being a slave to circumstance...when the part that feels enslaved is the part that cannot be free because it's a figment of imagination that has no existence beyond the reflective perspective.  It's always constructed after the a contrail behind Wonder Woman's invisible jet.

Speaking of mixed-metaphors.  I'm become Mixed-Metaphor Man in Mixed-Metaphor Land.  The Fam wanted to go on a coaster, which I did.  It was fun..but ended up with whiplash.  Now I can't turn my head, forced to look straight ahead.  Yesterday, amidst the lull of lack of motivation saw a perfectly arcing double rainbow after thunderstorm. As I gazed, it began to pulse...disappearing and reappearing repeatedly.  When Jed first offered Nav, I saw visions of rainbow colored light.  The offer was withdrawn...then re-offered after finishing ACIM...a loopy approach, but effective.  He died after Mod 5.

Irony abounds
Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Zara Songull on July 13, 2023, 02:19:22 am »
I'm never intending to keep you hanging. I'm not that strategic. I just figured turning toward boredom was a beginning, and it would take time to discover what is available there.

As you may know, the loss of motivation is an experience many people have. The whole motivational system is a historical accumulation. When you part ways with it, it can take some time to discover what else creates movement. The body still wants to eat. The personality still wants to go see that epic waterfall. Life still wants to life. But what do you have to do with any of that? In my opinion, there's quite a lot to discover about that. So even if this is "it", or an "it", there still remains an infinite amount to discover . . . and no rush to discover it . . .
Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Terminus_Est on July 12, 2023, 05:33:21 am »
Nope....nothing.  Not even "a hint" of pressure.  Disapproval....lack of approval with posts suspended in limbo....I feel nothing at all.  This chest is an empty cage.

Speaking of limbo, I think I've arrived.  Halfway to Nowhere.  The sweet spot, in terms of a vantage point to investigate historical impulse to escape from perceived boredom.  Energy's back, in spades.  Interesting...eating food seems to give the body what it needs to function.  Case closed on that one.  Beyond that, there is literally nada going on. 

To clarify, I see that there is continual movement all around.  River walked along is streaming.  Birds flying and singing.  I climbed pretty technical trail up mountain to watch waterfall falling....legs, burning...lungs, sucking wind.  In Bavarian village, where we're hanging out for a few, people bustling around doing stuff...kind of listlessly, from what I can tell.  So, lots of pretty much continuous activity.  Everything's flowing.

It's just that none of that activity is felt inside of me.  There's no fcking way that this is "It".  There must be deeper...further.  Only one way to find out.

Interesting in that the Bavarian village where we're fake.  Created by entrepreneur who's saw mill company flopped. 

Pretty ironic, don't you think?

Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Terminus_Est on July 11, 2023, 06:56:51 am »
Nice play.

Like I said...everything that happens is impeccable instruction, where I'm standing.  No response is a good response.  Jed used to do the same.  He'd let me flail around until, inevitably, I'd find the sweet spot.

Infinity pranked me, big time. With respect to stalking "boredom", I overshot.  I mentioned that the impetus to seeking perpetual entertainment essentially vanished a couple days ago, on its own.  Well, Something must have heard the "Crank it up!" cry and decided to give me a taste of why you don't peg all the equalizer sliders, meant to balance the music for the best sound.  The same vanishing impetus filtered through to disinterest in eating, resulting in massive caloric deficit over the last couple of days.  I swear, internal discipline had nothing to do with it.  I simply lost interest in eating.  In the ensuing exhaustion, I found the "level down" thing you mentioned...I think.  No magic.  I literally felt like the walking dead. 

A friend of mine, last night, needed help in communication.  I had to eat my daughter's left over French fries just to work up enough spit to communicate intelligently.  It was then that I realized what was going on.
Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Terminus_Est on July 10, 2023, 04:37:19 am »
I said "a hint of pressure".  Be gentle! 

JK, let 'er rip.  Infinity's put me through more than a few choice fun'll be interesting to see what's left of reflective state still roaming around in the crawl space.  Remember Risky Business?  Both index fingers extended horizontally, opposing one another beneath the vertical sliders of the equalizer and lift until pegged. 

Crank it up.

Anyways, as's on like Donkey Kong. I'm in the hands of a skillful psychic surgeon, apparently.  Yesterday, the irrepressible impetus to entertainment vanished as if by magic.  I mean, gone.  Dull as a plugged nickel.  What was left was impetus to stillness, misattributed as "boredom".  And, as I sunk in, the exact words....more than once....filtered through, I kid you not: 

"Boredom is not what I thought it was." 

Weird thing is, what's described as "work" doesn't quite track.  What I've seen happen is that, letting go...which is essentially effortless...allows Infinity to put me through It's paces.  All I do is get in the kayak and let the river provide the wild ride, pressuring the way it does...maybe dip the dual paddle in here and there, side-to-side, to redirect to slip stream.  It does the rest.
Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Zara Songull on July 10, 2023, 12:12:43 am »
Wow - no pressure! I thought I was much more 'disapproving' in my last reply. Needed to turn up the volume a bit. Glad to know our collaboration is having some kind of effect, or at least I like to imagine that's what's happening.

Keep me posted on what you discover as you aim into the boredom. I have a feeling 'boredom' may not be what you think it is!
Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Terminus_Est on July 09, 2023, 07:00:20 am »
This really is incredible.  Still no pressure!  I'm telling you, it's gone! Oh,'s a little bit, felt just now.  A hint of chest pressure.  I know what it is.  It's that feeling of facing what's perceived as a pressured perspective, and the demand to capitulate to make it stop...or to simply run.  Which I won't.   Still....huge for me!  Net pressure reduction.

What that means is I can sift through your words to pick what's relevant....because some of it is.  And that's the quarry.

In a nutshell, you're definitely onto something re facing boredom.  There's a very strong compulsion to keep things entertaining all the time.  It's not exhausting...I almost never feel tired anymore, except when it's time to lay down to sleep.  The rest of the time, it's just this irrepressible stream of energy come from nowhere.  But what's happening is, the craving for entertainment and, more importantly, the need to entertain others is, also, irrepressible.  You can't imagine how thrilled I was to have made you laugh.  I live for laughter and live for making others laugh.  I feel like it's my job...and I love my job!  But, there's something off-putting about my perpetual entertainment-making.  It's alienating, ironically.

*looks above* 200 words!  On the button

Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Zara Songull on July 09, 2023, 12:45:25 am »
While I would encourage you to implement your own word limit, I won't impose one. If you want to get rid of the extraneous, you need to slow down and think through what you're saying. If you think better by writing, write first, then read it, edit it down, get rid of most of it, revise it. Only then post it. If you're after something, get after it. At the moment, you want my assistance, but you're requiring that I do the work of sorting through everything that comes out of your keyboard.

That's the problem with being too entertaining. It's fun, but you'll never corner your quarry that way. Yes - from a certain perspective, the whole point of anything is entertainment. What I'm referring to, however, is the song-and-dance distracting from your effort to uncover what's hiding. If you want me as your hunting partner, please try to keep your eyes on the prey!

When I refer to "spiritual bypassing", I mean the phenomenon where someone says, "Wow, I'm really plagued by the wish for approval. It just won't seem to go away." Then, in the next beat they protest, "Did I say I cared about approval? Oh, that's just the delicious human drama playing out. Not relevant to my true nature at all. There's no self here to care about approval anyway." It's a form of self-deception that comes from jumping levels instead of addressing the concern at the level where it's playing out. There's a holdover from human childhood that needs help growing up. No amount of transcendence will produce human adulthood. Different processes play out on different levels.

Here's where I think you might want to look for your quarry. Approval by itself is boring. Disapproval by itself is boring. Whatever you imagine 'truth realization' to be, in your fantasy about it, is boring. Your entire cosmology is about the infinite being bored and finding itself boring. If you keep playing your character, and your character continues to be batted around by approval and disapproval, that will keep things interesting, keep the drama going. Anything, please, but boredom!

Do you see it? Just the fact that you could imagine truth realization would be boring is quite telling.

Once upon a time, you were running to escape the pressure any way you could. You finally faced it down, which could not have been easy. The process was, at times, overwhelming and challenging and hellishly painful, but . . . it certainly wasn't boring! Now you face a tougher adversary - boredom. How long will you try to escape this one before you turn and face it?
Member Posts / Re: Bang-a-Rang!
« Last post by Terminus_Est on July 08, 2023, 05:15:26 am »
Ha!'re good.  I AM in the right place!  Jed's legacy is in good hands, without question. 

Speaking of've asked a bunch of them and I'm not sure if I should take them one by one or kind of bring it all together to grasp the essence of the "heart of the matter", as you say.

IDK, I'm just gonna start typing. 

So, first off, me coming back here saw something of another breakthrough (there've been boatloads now, and I'm better for it, I feel...I'll explain why a bit later) and I'm not sure how it happened.  As mentioned, no pressure upon what would have previously been felt as chest pressure with your interpreted disapproval, now seen and still felt as affection.  And the "fierce energy" (good description, BTW) was DEFINITELY something trying to break out/through to no pressure.  Years and years ago, the only option was to escape from perceived pressure in any way I could...trying to find a safe place.  It took decades to figure out that escaping from that crushing pressure only made it worse...that there is no safe place and running made the hell hounds run faster and get more rabid.  That's when thoughts of suicide started emerging.  At some point, during my work with Jed...something snapped and realization started filtering in about a different approach.  To stop the desperate running and turn and face the music.  I started flying into the Mouth of Madness...deliberately.  For me, these took place in the context of hellish experiences considered non-ordinary...but that's beside the doesn't matter how it plays out, it'll be different for everyone....ordinary and non-ordinary is the same on the macro scale, as you mentioned.  Infinity knows I like it when things get weird, so I got weird manifestations of auto-digestion, wave after wave of crushing pressure with phantasmagoric experiences that I won't go into, one right after another, on and on and on.  I thought I was gonna die or go insane...even though some deep part of me knew I wouldn't and everything was going according to plan.  I've mentioned it before in writing felt like I was being accosted by "Infinity's gaslight"...pressure on all sides, and I do mean ALL sides imaginable.  No escape!  But, what I saw happening was that after each wave...the release was exquisite.  Pure magic.  And so, I just continued.  And that continuation has brought me to right here and now.  There must be more.

Here's the thing though.  I'm pretty sure I don't want full on "Truth Realization".  I think what I really want is access to all the dials and sliders available to flirt with complete breakout/through without accidentally stepping all the way through to Truth, which I confess (at the risk of being out cast from what assuredly will be a perfectly marvelous extension of what Jed started) sounds boring AF.

You mentioned the notion of "too much entertainment".  There's such thing, IMHO, as "too little entertainment".  Everything's the same, nothing but an emptiness in truth as far as the eye can see.  Here's a question for you.  Why do we dream at all?  (And don't go into the whole "why ask why" diatribe because you've already asked me a bunch of them ;) Jed's pet peeve being the whole "why?" gripe).  How did dreaming this crazy weird, looping, self-referential dream state even start in the first place? How did untruth spawn from truth, fiction from non-fiction?  I really liked Jed's answer:  Because Infinity was bored!  Nothing's happening!  Everything's the same.  Remember, he said he loved Maya...even though she was his foil (I like to imagine he's still in play, on some fantastic scale..playing with dials and sliders beyond the physical....of course he is!).  He even enjoyed seeing her/talking with her periodically (I like to imagine those were actual experienced phenomena...not just a literary device).  What was up with that, from a purist truth-thumping perspective?  He even told me, at one point that, when he broke through all the way...he was given a choice!  To stay in the godhood of pure Truth....or to return to the dream with just a shred of ego in play in order to play in the dream.  IDK about you, but Jed seemed to LIKE being entertained, on a certain level. He chose to return to the dream with just a sliver to cohere around. Why do that, if Truth is all it's cr a cked up to be? I imagine I know exactly why.  Infinity WANTS to dream.  It's trying to learn how to dream just right, somehow. 

To me, it's about options.  I know what I like and don't like, even though that changes from one instance to the next...which I also like!   I felt little in terms of reaction when Calvin hissed. Mostly, the before and after kinda felt the same.  But still, I prefer him purring...and the preference was about not wanting to create tension in him resulting in his hissing because I know (or imagine I know) he feels destabilized/conflicted when he hisses at me...there's fear.  I used to get mad at him when he would bully the other cats and reacted strongly and I could see him being terrified about losing his home...being cast out.  I know he wants my approval, as a cat....sees me as his alpha.  So I want to give him love and make him feel approved of without over-stimulating him with affection (Oh!  There's the "too much entertainment" thing...."too much affection") causing him to lash out and then be afraid, which it looks like he is whenever he does.

Anyways, I know I need more "breakthrough" in the hope it'll give me more experience the marvels of this dream without feeling trapped within the content.  I guess part of me is concerned that if I break all the way through, I'll be trapped in No-Man's Land.  Bored AF!

I'm a persnickety MF! I want just the right amount entertainment, which always changes all the time, both in scale and be surprised, but not all the be in awe, but not too much awe that I'm just overwhelmed.  Mystery, but not too much mystery.  I want options in all directions without too many options leading to feeling lost.  Just call me Goldilocks!  I want it all, which sound ridiculous I'm sure.  I know that I'm a dream machine and just want to figure out what this thing can do.  Seems like there's loads of hardware/software I haven't accessed yet.

Problem with "wanting it all" is that it leads to this constant thinking about all this stuff almost continually instead of enjoying what's been released to...letting it range for awhile.  I'm not a fundamentally patient person.  I like the feeling of movement, inspiration, staccato breakthrough, rocketing forward.  I'm a thrill-seeking, bliss ninny fer shure.   

I don't care about "spirituality" thing really, so the "spiritual bypassing" comment didn't land.  I'm progressively becoming blissfully free from caring much at all what others think of me.  I do care about alignment which helps relieve tension for others, them a break from feeling judged, if possible.  I've seen that in action.  Taking "relief space" out and about and spreading it around town. I don't want credit for it...I just like seeing/feeling how tension relief seems contagious in some strange way.

Same goes for "social identification"...honestly, it doesn't feel like there's much left of that...though maybe I'm here to find what's missing or being overlooked.  Sitting here, it feels like precious little.  No pressure! 

Anyways, this is a big dump.  You may have to reimplement the whole "200 words" thingy, because my capacity for yapping seems near irrepressible.  Your call.  Beyond that, I am asking you to help me find what's hiding.  What is it? Asking the questions helps.  Actually, no response/disapproval button helps too!  Whatever happens, helps.  There must be something, mentioned...else I wouldn't be here. 
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