Author Topic: Jed Rant: About Maya  (Read 2440 times)


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Re: Jed Rant: About Maya
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2018, 10:18:40 am »
In considering Maya, the model that comes to mind is that of security software. The convention imposed by linguistic gender association becomes unnecessary (although the term 'security program' is a bit clunky). The seemingly coincidental behavior described here seems applicable to the term.

It sometimes seems that maybe I programmed it, to keep a me-awareness out of, or separate from, an absolute ground state.

In effect, one might call this dream a Houdini act. Escape artists build their own traps to escape from... to express freedom.

There is the primary key (or system of tasks), which would render the escape more convincing or intelligent. And then, there is the secondary key, the default physical death, if all else fails.

The thing about security software is that it links up with the software (the me) that attempts to circumvent the security system. One might say that Maya identifies linguistic (or perceptual) boundary conditions in 'me' and exploits them (activates them), so as to turn the 'me' away.

A cool hacker tactic for dealing with this is to take false sprints at the ground state, to get Maya to show its hand. Then one can just shift the exposed boundary condition in (or remove it from) the  'me' software - rendering the condition no longer exploitable. One can clear away layers of security, with just a little bit of work.