Author Topic: By request, favorite movie  (Read 5254 times)


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Re: Jed Rant, by request....
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2018, 12:44:38 am »
I really enjoyed Zero and one. The journey in to and then back out of the illusion of me is the greatest, most complex, subtle and individualized creation of the whole. The flowers on the end of the branches of an immense tree. They begin as an integral part of the pattern nature of the tree. Bud, sprout, open into ever so slightly graduating conditions from sun side to lee side, from higher to lower, wet to dry. Then bloom into magnificence, each slightly different, and yet undeniably part of the one tree. We all express the language of connection with our part of the tree. Or we express the language of disconnection with our part of the tree. We bloom and share our fragrance for a while, then slowly wither... and fall. We break down into the soil and are reabsorbed by the tree. Energy once spent, returned to be spent again.