Author Topic: Jed Rant, Your H/A rating.  (Read 2763 times)


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Re: Jed Rant, Your H/A rating.
« Reply #45 on: May 18, 2018, 07:01:38 am »
Correct if it's just a dream behave how you want it would now seem. I've never felt I had a choice of how to behave before. I've always been a conformist. Keep your head down and stay out of trouble type. I suspect I'd have trouble playing a bad guy or being mean or dishonest. I will have to sit with that question a bit longer. On the second question I want a happy, rewarding, pleasant dream. My memories / hallucinations of my current dream up to now have been less than desirable and often crappy. So did I weave this crappy dream or did Maya weave it? Who is writing the script to this whole experience and appearance?